Proteomic Centre

Canada’s leading source for Proteomics Research Services and Technology Development

About the PCPC
The Pan-Canadian Proteomics Centre is a multi-node integrated Platform for Comprehensive, Innovative, Translational Proteomics Research in Canada.
The Pan-Canadian Proteomics Centre (PCPC) combines the research and service strengths of six outstanding facilities, all of which are currently Genome Canada national service platforms (GTP). The PCPC, led out of the University of Victoria through the UVic-Genome BC Proteomics Centre (UVic-PC) and directed by Dr. David Goodlett, includes five additional world-renowned proteomics service facilities across Canada, including the Segal Cancer Proteomics Centre at McGill University (Dr. Christoph Borchers), the University of British Columbia Proteomics Core Facility (Dr. Leonard Foster), The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) SPARC BioCentre (Dr. Michael Moran), Centre for Advanced Proteomics Analysis at Université de Montréal (Dr. Pierre Thibault) and the Network Biology Collaborative Centre at Sinai Health (Dr. Anne-Claude Gingras). Through the complementary expertise of its component laboratories, the PC-PC provides an extensive range of cutting-edge proteomics services in quantitative proteomics, clinical proteomics, structural proteomics, functional proteomics and protein-protein interactions, and bioinformatics. The platform has a strong track record with respect to service provision; the facilities have been providing service to the national and international community for more than 18 years, with its services accessed on a fee-for-service or collaborative basis by clients across Canada and in more than 15 countries around the globe.
Our Services
Our services include an exceptional breadth and quality of the most highly sought-after proteomics technologies, covering applications in areas such as health, agriculture, forestry, energy, and the environment. Our proven service model is business-like in its operations but collaborative in its service offerings - a signature of the PCPC. Some of our most popular service offerings include:
Quantitative Proteomics
Functional Proteomics
Structural Proteomics