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A collection of PCPC members Co-Authored and Acknowledged Publications
Atypical acute myeloid leukemia-specific transcripts generate shared and immunogenic MHC class-I-associated epitopes
Ehx G, Larouche JD, Durette C, Laverdure JP, Hesnard L, Vincent K, Hardy MP, Th�riault C, Rulleau C, Lanoix J, Bonneil E, Feghaly A, Apavaloaei A, Noronha N, Laumont CM, Delisle JS, Vago L, H�bert J, Sauvageau G, Lemieux S, Thibault P, Perreault C.
A proximity-dependent biotinylation map of a human cell
Go CD, Knight JDR, Rajasekharan A, Rathod B, Hesketh GG, Abe KT, Youn JY, Samavarchi-Tehrani P, Zhang H, Zhu LY, Popiel E, Lambert JP, Coyaud , Cheung SWT, Rajendran D, Wong CJ, Antonicka H, Pelletier L, Palazzo AF, Shoubridge EA, Raught B, Gingras AC.
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