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What We Offer

The PCPC provides the highest-quality cutting edge proteomic technology to researchers in a variety of fields such as health, agriculture, forestry, energy, the environment and more.

Quantitative Proteomics

Services in Quantitative Proteomics include:

  • Targeted Quantitation: LC-MRM/MS allows targeted quantitation for the precise measurement of a large numbers of proteins.  

  • Protein Enrichment: Using enrichment strategies, such as immune-enrichment, targeted assays can be made more sensitive and specific. 

  • Untargeted Quantitation: approaches includes label-free quantitation (LFQ), chemical tagging (iTRAQ and TMT) and metabolic labeling (SILAC) 

  • Tissue Imaging: MALDI Imaging enables the 2D spatial localization of proteins and peptides in tissues 

  • MHC Peptide Identification and Quantitation: Profiling of major histocompatibility class I (MHC I) peptides from antigen presenting cells using LC-MS, our unique bioinformatics workflows, high-throughput sequencing and quantitation techniques.

Functional Proteomics

Services in Functional Proteomics include: 

  • Post-Translational Modification (PTM) Analysis: Post-translational modifications (PTMs) of proteins increase both the diversity and complexity of the proteome. PC-PC nodes have developed specialized protocols and workflows to identify and quantity PTMs over a wide dynamic range. Our current methodologies for PTM enrichment include phosphorylation, methylation, acetylation, ubiquitination, and sumoylation. Please inquire for other PTMs and/or customized protocols to fit your application needs.

  • Protein Characterization: Accurate mass determination of proteins and protein fragments, as well as detection of mutations and deletions in expressed proteins.  

  • Protein Interaction Network Mapping: multiple techniques are available to identify protein-protein interactions in vitro and within cells  

  • Protein Identification:  identification and sequencing of unknown proteins, antibodies or proteoforms  

  • Affinity purification (BioID, FLAG or custom capture techniques): The BioID assay adds a biotin moiety to proteins in close proximity to a protein of interest (bait) within the cell, to identify proteins. In addition, other techniques can also be used to identify potential interacting proteins, such as using FLAG epitopes or using custom affinity tags, immobilized DNA, other proteins/peptides or small molecules.


Services in Bioinformatics include: 

  • Software tools: to aid in the development and validation of targeted MRM assays  

  • Advanced bioinformatics and biostatistics: Analysis and interpretation of MS datasets  

  • Databases: the PCPC has created a number of data and knowledgebases to support assay development and data interpretation 

Structural Proteomics 

Services in Structural Proteomics: 

  • Hydrogen Deuterium Exchange (HDX): HDX can be used to determine the degree of solvent accessibility of regions of a protein, which can inform on secondary and tertiary structure, as well as providing information on protein-protein or protein-ligand complexes. 

  • Crosslinking: Uses various chemical cross-linking compounds with different functional groups and lengths to inform on spatial interactions within and between proteins 


Please note that many factors including sample type, condition, amount, analytical technique, and bioinformatic support can affect the cost of a Proteomics experiment. The prices presented here are intended to serve as a guide. For more detailed pricing, please contact  your local node.

In addition, the costs listed below are the academic prices. For industry, please contact your local node.

Access Policy:


The PC-PC offers an open access model to all users (Academic & Industrial, Canadian & International) on a cost-recovery basis. In general, projects are prioritized on the date samples are received, although if tight turnaround times are required (e.g. pilot data for a grant application), this can be discussed with the individual node performing the work. Clients can contact the PC-PC through the website or by email, or can connect directly to a node that they have previously worked with or are familiar with. The location of where each project will be performed is largely determined by the specific service being requested. Where individual nodes have specific expertise and capabilities in some areas, work will be sent to that node. Projects that could be performed at more than one node generally are assigned to nodes that the client has previously worked with, geographical proximity and/or where there is the greatest current capacity.


Acknowledgement Policy:


The Pan-Canadian Proteomics Centre (PC-PC) is generously supported through operations and technology development funding provided by Genome Canada, Genome British Columbia & The Canada Foundation for Innovation – as such clients and collaborators of the PC-PC should acknowledge work performed at the PC-PC in publications and public presentations of their research:


·         Clients shall acknowledge the work of the Pan-Canadian Proteomics Centre in any peer-reviewed Client Publications related to the Project by incorporating the following sentence into the acknowledgements section of the article: “The authors wish to acknowledge the Pan-Canadian Proteomics Centre, for [performing activity].”.

·         In addition, acknowledgements should appear in the text of peer-reviewed publications, for example in the materials and methods sections. A suggested sentence for inclusion is: “[Activity] was performed by Pan-Canadian Proteomics Centre”.


PC-PC policy on co-authorship:


·         If data is generated through the PC-PC on a cost-recovery basis, the PC-PC does not require co-authorship on any publications

·         If significant intellectual contribution is provided on the experimental design, data interpretation or other contributions beyond what is agreed to in a Statement of Work, then collaborators should discuss pending publications with PC-PC scientists to identify appropriate co-authorship as needed.


We would greatly appreciate notification of any publications that acknowledge work performed at the PC-PC.

Custom Services

Find out more about our customizable service offerings; we work with you to suit your unique research needs
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